Licensees who wish to use the portal can enroll for NRC credentials here: After completing identity verification, enrollees can log in to the MAP-X Portal using their established username, password, and one-time password code.
Detailed instructions for enrollment can be found at
If you have any difficulties with using the MAP-X Portal, please contact:
You can access your profile by clicking "Account" on the header and selecting "My Profile" from the dropdown.
From the My Profile page you can view:
-The name tied to your account
-The email address tied to your account
-Your parent company
Whether you can submit, create/edit, or only view a submission is determined the permissions assigned to you by the Administrator. If you feel there’s an error in your permissions, please reach out to you Administrator Contact. For additional guidance on the Administrator role, please see the “User Guide for Administrators” below.
The MAP-X home page serves as the landing page through which you can access the rest of the system. It includes the navigation elements listed below:
In the header, on the right hand side of the screen you will see the navigation tabs, from these you can do the following, the layout of this section will depend on whether you are logged in and your access to the system:
-The "My Page tab brings you to that page, where you can see the history of all your submissions and their current status.
-The support section includes functionality to allow you to better utilize MAP-X. It has the links to the User guide that you are currently reading along with the FAQ, which answers some questions that are regularly asked about the system. Finally, the contact us button allows you to send a message to the MAP-X team to address any question you may have.
-The account section includes the link to the profile page (described above) and the Admin page, if you have the needed access.
-The sign in/ sign off link either brings you to the login page or sign you out of the system.
The submission types section on the right side of the screen allows you to access the pages to view, create or edit form submissions for the various forms in MAP-X.
Accessible from the header navigation after logging in, the “My Page” allows you to view all your existing submissions.
The my submission screen has two main interaction points:
A) The submission types area allows you to access the pages to view, create or edit form submissions for the various forms in MAP-X
B) The my submission screen allows you to see your past submissions and quickly edit them. Some features worth noting are:
1. Searching submissions based on any of the columns, use a wildcard [*] at the start of the search to search on partial text
2. By selecting any of the headers you can order the list of your submissions by that column.
3. Selecting the unique ID will bring you directly to the record.
4. Selecting the Submission Link will bring your directly to the record.
Each form has a central page that allows you to manage, review, and create new forms (dependent on having the access to do so). So for example the Event notification has a “My Event Notifications” page. Each of these pages follows this layout:
A) The new form section lists the variants of the form. Selecting any one of these links will bring you to the page to create that variant of the form.
B) The list of form submissions that you can view or edit (dependent on user access).
1. If there are multiple variants of the form there will be a tab allowing you to alternate between the variants.
2. The search bar allows you to search based on any of the columns of the table below it. You can use a wildcard [*] to do partial text searches.
3. The create button allows you to create a new form.
4. The header columns can be used to sort the list of forms in ascending or descending order.
5. Selecting the Unique ID for a form will bring you directly to it. 6. Selecting this button will also allow you to be brought to the form.
Opens up the following dialog box, which prompts you to contact the MAP-X Portal resource email.
Regardless of what form you are creating there are a number of features that are consistent across the application. You can create, edit, or view a submission from it’s My Page, by either selecting it’s unique id or selecting the view button.
For each for you will find the below elements, dependent on the stage the form is in and your access in MAP-X:
This button will send you an unofficial copy of the form you intend to submit or have submitted. It will be sent to the email address that you are signed in with. This button can typically only be accessed on the Review and Submit and Confirmation stages (see below).
The status bar shows what stage your form is at in the submission process. The stages highlighted in green with a checkmark have been completed. Depending on where you are in the submission process you may be able to go back to these steps to make modifications. The stage highlighted in blue is the current stage the submission is in. Finally, stages highlighted in grey have not yet been started, and can be reached by completing the stages before them.
There are for possible stages a submission can be in:
1. Create draft: This stage is where you provide the majority of the details for the record you are submitting, this is the stage that you start in. There will only be a next button at the bottom in the navigation section.
2. Additional details (is not on all forms): The additional details stage allows you to add in various bits of supporting information that are a part of your submission. This includes adding attachments where applicable. There will be a previous or next button at the bottom in the navigation section. PDF Preview Status Bar Navigation Buttons
3. Review and submit: This stage allows you to see a summary of your full submission before submitting. There is a previous/edit and submit button at the bottom in the navigation section. This is the last stage before submitting your form, and pressing the submit button will prevent you from going back to the previous steps.
4. Confirmation: At this point the form has been submitted and no additional changes can be made to it. Moving a submission to the confirmation stage starts the ADAMS submission process. There are no navigation buttons at this stage
A users access role is comprised of three elements, the organizational level it applies to, the module it applies to, and the access type.
The organizational level is a hierarchical structure that defines how a user can access parts of MAP-X. In order, from parent, to child, then grandchild the hierarchy is Licensee, Plant, and Unit.
Licensee – The parent tier, name of the licensing organization.
Plant – The child tier, an individual location managed by a licensing organization.
Unit – The grandchild tier, a subsection of a plant.
Admin and user access is set up using a cascading access model, where giving access at a higher tier generates access to tiers below it. After initial setup of this cascading access permissions can be adjusted to manage more unique access rules.
The module is the form(s) that the access applies to. Multiple modules can be associated to a single access record.
The access type defines what privileges are given to a user within the scope of the two other elements. These access types are: View my – Allows viewing but not editing of your records.
View all – Allows viewing of all records.
Edit my – Allows editing and viewing of your records.
Edit all – Allows editing of all records.
Admin – Allows editing of all records along with the ability to provide any of these five access types to other users.
Managing users as an administrator
Navigating to the admin page from the header under account, will bring you to the admin page. From here you can modify user access on a per user basis or a licensee level. Lower levels of the organizational hierarchy can also be accessed from the licensee area. Select the person or licensee you want to modify access for and then press edit.
From the user admin screen you can see all access applied to that specific user and delete, edit, and create new privileges for them. You can if you are an application admin you can also make another user an application Admin.
From the licensee admin area, you can see all users that have access to the licensee and modify the access along with creating new access records for the licensee. You can also see all the plants that are associated to the licensee and make the same changes by opening any of the plants